The deployment cycle has come full swing. Here we are with the next deployment a short time away. This time it's much different. A 3.5 year old, a 6 month old, living in Iowa, and working full time. We found out about this deployment just before our daughter was born. And just like last time the anticipation of it is terrible. Just a few weeks ago I had the feeling of, just get here so we can get it started. Now, I am hoping that someone isthisclose to inventing a time machine.
Last weekend we attended our first Yellow Ribbon event. We were not really looking forward to sitting in a meeting room and being killed by power point. Let me tell you our surprise when it was actually helpful and fun. The speakers were all very engaging and expressed the feelings that they had during their deployments. The people at each of the booths really wanted to be there and tell us all about how they could help us through the deployment and beyond. I'm very thankful for this program. There are only a couple of people going with my husband this time and support from other family members is non-existant.
Hopefully I will be able to keep up with the blog while he is gone again but no promises!