Well, only a few more days until I get to see my hubby! Its only been about 7 weeks since I got to see him last, which for some people is such a long time, but for this deployment it is not even a fraction of the time we will spend apart. I am getting very excited for the visit. I bought my ticket to get in the morning before they actually go on leave, thinking that I would go to base lodging get checked in, grab some lunch and go check out the PX. Then go back to the hotel shower and get ready, then take my "nap" until midnight. But plans have changed for the better! First, we found out that he got his promotion and I will get to be the one to pin him. This also means, he will be picking me up at the airport the morning I get in and we will be able to spend the rest of the day together! I feel a slight obligation to gloat about this because all of the other families don't get to see their soldier for another 24+ hours after I see mine. At the same time, I feel like I can't tell the other spouses because I don't want them to get upset at their soldier for not knowing that this was a possibility and feeling like they are missing out on a whole day together.
The little boy is doing GREAT! 20 weeks today. I still can't believe that we are half way done already. I guess being pregnant while he is away is actually a good way to put the deployment into shorter sections of time.
I keep thinking, when I'm at 26 weeks I'll be headed out to Seattle for my best friend's wedding, coming home at 27 weeks, then only 13 weeks left. After the birth it'll be a long stretch until we see him again, but I'm sure with people coming to visit, and me making a couple of trips to visit Iowa the time should flow nicely.
That's all for now...I love my husband more and more every day and am so proud to be an Army wife!
I hope that the entire unit has fun with their families! Be safe, and we are all thinking about each of you every day!
Fantastic Blog Shannon. Can't wait to read more.