Today started off as one of those days...the kind that you aren't sure that you even want to get out of bed. But I knew that I had to. So I got out of bed and went to my sister's house, like I do every Thursday, to clean. I got done with that and had thought that I would fell better once that was done. But none of the feelings had gone away. So I came back home and showered and got ready for the ebay sellers meeting. I go with my mom because she sells maternity clothes and other stuff on ebay. (So if you're looking for maternity clothes go to her store on So we went up there, and I started to feel a little bit better because everyone there was asking about the hubby and the baby. It seems like talking about those things to strangers helps my mood a lot. Then we headed home. On the drive a got an email from the lady that runs the Yellow Ribbon stuff for the unit saying that this next yellow ribbon that was suppose to be April 9th got changed to April 16th! The day just got better! I was not able to attend the Yellow Ribbon on the 9th because I will be in a wedding on the 10th, but now that its on the 16th I will be there. I'm pretty sure that I'm more excited for the social aspect of this yellow ribbon. Its going to be so nice to be able to actually meet the people that I have been chatting with on facebook and over email. Plus, when I leave Chicago after the yellow ribbon I'll be at 28 weeks! That means only 12 more weeks to go until we get to meet the little man. And I know that those 12 weeks are going to FLY by! Needless to say, my day went from "one of those days" to a pretty decent day. Tomorrow I'm going with my mom and step-dad to the other side of Florida. They are going to look at boats while I lay by the pool. I bought a swim suit yesterday just for the weekend...lets hope its not so windy over there.
I love you Boo, stay safe, and I miss you.
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