Saturday, July 23, 2011

So much has happened pt. 1

Well, I will start with my last doctor's visit. It was June 22nd and the doc checked me and then said the famous last words, "You should be good for another week or two." So I went away thinking, "Well, I can do a week and a half no problem then." Thursday, Friday, and saturday were spent cleaning. Friday and Saturday Mom, Chris, and I spent most of the day cleaning the Lani. By that I mean we moved everything and scrubbed the floor, organized, and put stuff back. (If you've ever seen the lani you would understand that this is a HUGE job). Not to mention that it was hot as hell. Both days I ended up in the pool to cool down and just relax. Saturday night we made Nick's sloppy joes, which were SO good.
-Minor back story- from the 22nd on, every morning and night I would write an email to the hubby that only had words in the subject line, "No labor yet."
I got into bed Saturday night and was texting my father-in-law. As I just about fell asleep I remembered to e-mail the hubby and said, "No labor yet." The got up to use the restroom. As I am standing there washing my hands, after I peed, something is not right. I feel like I am peeing on myself. I said to myself, "I just went to the bathroom, I didn't sneeze (those of you other mom's know what I am talking about), what the hell...OH S**T! My water broke!" I go knock on mom's door and said, "I think my water just broke." Mom responds with, "are you sure?" I say, "Yeah!" and then I head back to the bathroom. On the way I grab my phone. I sit back down and I start to bawl. I do this for about 2 minutes because I am realizing that my husband will not be home for the birth of our first child. I call my friend Katie, I cry, and she helps me calm down (I'll never be able to repay her for the few words she had to say to me because it got me back into the frame of mind that I needed to be in). Then I call my doc, mind you, we had not discussed calling when I go into labor because I still have one or two weeks. The on call doc calls me back and tells me to go to the hospital. I grab my bag, mom and Chris get their's and we head to the hospital. After we get there and get all checked in and settled they decide to start me on pitocin, at this time I still had not felt a contraction. Once the pitocin got started (2am) the nurses tell me to try to get some sleep. I was too wound up to do that. All I could think about was, "What if he doesn't get the email and doesn't even know I'm in labor until Trace is born?" So I think about my options. Option 1- RED CROSS: we had been told to call the Red Cross to get the message that we were in labor and then our husband's would hopefully be on the next flight out. WRONG! The Red Cross proceeds to tell me that they don't make Labor Messages, only Birth Messages. I get PISSED. Option 2- Get ahold of all Army wives that I know and ask them to message their husband to get ahold of mine and tell him to call me ASAP. Option 2 worked! One of the wives, whose husband is with mine, email her hubby the message. He finally calls (6am). I tell him what is going on, he had just gotten back and was exhausted. At least he knew now. I'm able to sleep for about 15 minutes. 7am rolls around and I am starting to have to breathe through the contractions now. The nurses change out and the new ones come in. I ask them to check me because it had been a while since I was checked last. I was 5cm...ummm...time for the epidural. I get the epidural and feel great! Then I start to get a bad pain on my left side. The nurse checks me and says, "You're a little more than 8, but we will call the doc and see if he can reposition the epidural." Took the doc a little while, 45 minutes or so, and teh nurse checks me again before he gets there. The look on her face was so funny, she said, "Well, its too late, you're 10 and ready to push." She calls the OB and he gets there. As he is putting on his gear my hubby calls! The doc was so nice, not my doc and I had never even met this one. He talked to my hubby through the entire thing. I pushed for all of 13 mintues and Trace was out. My hubby got to hear the first cry. It was the next best thing to having him there with me. I felt great after. And honestly, I didn't feel a thing when I was pushing.
After a few hours I got sent to the post pardom side. All of the nurses were so funny. The couldn't believe that I was the one that gave birth. They all said that I looked so good and was in such a good mood that it couldn't have been me. In the 2 nights that I had to stay there I only had motrin one time, for some back pain, and they couldn't believe that either.
Finally I got to go home!

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