Monday, October 15, 2012

My husband's mistress

It's hunting! I hate it! I don't think I would hate it as much if it were only 2 weeks or a month. But NO, it is 4 months long and we are still just in the first 3 weeks of it. Granted I know that he could be out doing worse things, like going to bars or whatever, but hunting takes up a lot of money and even more time. I just wish that he didn't HAVE to get 6 deer every year. He donates them anyways, we don't keep them (I do no like deer meat). There is still a freezer FULL of deer meat from his dad hunting last year. Now I know he hasn't hunted in 2 years but come on! Do you have to go every single night? Ok, rant over.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Now following you. :)
    I actually grew up in OR and WA so I'm excited to move back to the area after being gone for so long!
    I just wish it was under different circumstances...
