Friday, March 29, 2013

Setting us up for failure

After having discussions with three of my army wife friends I firmly believe that the Army is trying to set every marriage up for failure. My husband has told me that when he went through boot camp that his drill sgt told him that he should never trust a female, that all they will ever do is cheat on you. After talking with my friends each of their husbands were told the same thing. The worst part is that it's not said just once, it's said a thousand times so they don't forget it.
I know that there ARE females that don't stay true to their soldier, but come on! Those are also the women that probably would have done the exact same thing if her husband had an 8-5 job and had work trips. The mentality from the civilian world that military spouses all cheat while their spouse is gone makes me want to scream! I know of maybe 3 spouses that have cheated...but I know probably 100 spouses that didn't!
When our husband comes home from a deployment we are supposed to be happy and thankful. At least that's what the Yellow Ribbon program explains to us. I believe we focused on how to deal with each other for all of 5 minutes. If the Army really wanted us to succeed as a couple they would spend 3 whole weekends on us as a couple.
While they are deployed everything really does revolve around them. My phone NEVER left my side. Each time it would ring my heart would skip a beat, or six. And they worry about themselves. Don't get me wrong, I never once wanted him to worry about me while he was in the Stan. But when he came back, it was still a lot about him. I didn't want to make him mad, I didn't want to say something wrong, I wanted to show him that not only did I need him around I wanted him there too. And still, after more than a year being back, things from my side and his are mostly about him. I have to adjust because he has to leave for 3 days each month. I have to calm my son when he realizes that daddy isn't going to be home for a few days. I have spent 2 nights away from my son in almost two years, my husband has spent close to 10 months away in those 2 years and only 6 if those were deployment months.
I wish the Army would actually think about the family. I wish there was a mandatory class about how you need to treat your spouse and that even through the wife's world revolves around her soldier, the soldiers life needs to revolve around the wife too. (Granted the Army comes first, and I know that)
I feel like a lot of my Army friends are going through the same issues right now...thank goodness we are there for one another. I love you ladies more than you know!

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