Saturday, December 10, 2011

Its getting to be "That time"

Last year at this time my hubby was still at training and I was home trying to finish packing stuff up to move to Florida. I was sitting alone in our house wondering what it was going to be like in a year. Well, here I am a year later and its NOTHING like I thought it would be. At this very moment our son is taking his morning nap (almost always 2 hours). I would never have imagined that our son would be probably the easiest baby in the world. A year ago I was still the "nervous nancy". I got anxious about most things, I had to have a plan for EVERYTHING at least 2 weeks in advance, and I couldn't just go with the flow. Now, I have learned that I can't control everything. Hell, I can't control 98% of stuff. About Christmas last year I finally had the feeling that I needed to just let things be and everything would work out the way it is supposed to. Thank goodness for that feeling. It really has gotten me through this year. There have been some days that I just want to snap, mostly because I haven't heard from my husband in 12 days, and then I try to tell myself, "No news is good news." It doesn't always work, but sometimes it does.
Our little guy is getting so big. He's got to weigh almost 20lbs now. But he's not a fat kid at all. I love when people stare at him and comment on his shoes (I'm a shoe freak, what can I say). He has his fussy moments but all in all he is just the most amazing human being I have ever been around. He is sitting up on his own for long periods of time now. He moves forward in his walker. And he bounces like a maniac in his jump-a-roo. He has even scooted backwards a few times. I can't wait to see the look on my husband's face when he sees how big our son has gotten.
Pretty soon my husband should be coming home. We still don't know a date, or even a range of dates yet, but we know it will be soon. Of all of the things I have learned since meeting my husband, the one that I stick with the most is, "No getting excited about ANYTHING until its the DAY its supposed to happen." The Army's motto of "Hurry up and wait" is there for a reason. They could tell us one date then the day before they can change it. So I'm not getting excited just yet. I have started to prepare for it though. I ordered a banner from www.buildasign/ . They do a free banner (you pay shipping). Its a 3 foot by 6 foot banner. THE THING IS HUGE! I have started to make 2 signs for us to hold at the airport too. (Thankfully he will be able to fly straight here instead of having to go with the unit). Once we find out that he is bank in the states we are going to put up yellow ribbons all around. I've started to clean, and I've even cleared out a drawer and put some of his clothes into it. I have started the not sleeping through the night routine again. I know that when he gets home I won't be sleeping through the night either, pretty sure I'll be staring at him.
Its so close, but not yet close enough.

1 comment:

  1. I love "I have started the not sleeping through the night routine again. I know that when he gets home I won't be sleeping through the night either, pretty sure I'll be staring at him." My heart melted.
